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Sip Smart: A Guide to Mindful Drinking
Sip Smart: A Guide to Mindful Drinking

Ready to unlock a healthier you this fall? Discover the secrets to mindful drinking in our guide.

Destiny Durling avatar
Written by Destiny Durling
Updated over a week ago

As we welcome the cooler days of fall, it's time to focus on our health and well-being. You know how it goes – summer is often filled with weddings, BBQs, camping trips, beach days, and vacations. All this fun can sometimes mean a bit more drinking than usual. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement, and before you know it, your healthy habits may have taken a back seat.

Now, don't worry if your attention has drifted or if you're just thinking about your alcohol use for the first time. We've got your back! Setting some goals and taking a closer look at your drinking habits can help you get back on track and live a healthier life. So, let's dive into some practical steps to help you make positive changes.

Step 1: Set Your Intention

Imagine you're going on a road trip. You wouldn't start without knowing your destination, right? Well, it's the same when it comes to managing your alcohol use. Before making a plan, you need to set your intention, or simply put, decide why you want to change how much you drink.

Understanding Your 'Why':

Start by asking yourself, "Why do I want to make a change?" Maybe you want better sleep, more energy, or just to save some money. Your 'why' will be like your North Star, guiding you along the way.

Choosing Your Intention:

You've got options here, like:

  • Saying no to alcohol completely.

  • Cutting back in certain situations or overall.

  • Keeping your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) below a certain point.

  • Exploring your relationship with alcohol to see if change is needed.

Your intention can be firm or flexible, depending on what suits your goals best. If it doesn't feel right, don't worry; you can always adjust it later. Remember, there are no wrong intentions, and it's all about creating a plan that works for you.

Step 2: Identify Your Cues to Drink

Now, let's talk about what makes you reach for that drink. These are the cues that can lead to drinking more than you intended. They can be different for everyone, so it's crucial to understand your specific triggers.

Think About Your Cues:

Take a moment to remember times when you ended up drinking more than you planned. Were there certain friends around? Did your mood or stress levels play a role? Did 5:00 PM seem like the perfect time for a drink?

No Judgments Allowed:

This is not about beating yourself up over past experiences. It's a chance to learn, not to blame. So, give yourself permission to see these moments as opportunities to grow and make positive changes.

Step 3: Create a Supportive Environment

Now that you know your goals and your triggers, it's time to create an environment that helps you succeed. Instead of relying solely on willpower, we're going to set up some strategies and tools that make it easier to stick to your plan.

Smart Planning:

Here are some practical changes you can make:

  • When going to a social event, bring only the number of drinks you're comfortable with.

  • Try non-alcoholic drinks to slow down your drinking pace. Even if you're not quitting completely, mixing in some non-alcoholic options can help.

  • Explore activities that don't revolve around drinking. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new – like hiking, swimming, volunteering, or taking a class.

Avoiding High-Risk Situations:

Some situations are just trickier than others when it comes to sticking to your plan. If there are places or people that make it hard to control your drinking, it's okay to set some boundaries to protect your health.

Useful Skills:

Practice these techniques to help you along the way:

  • Keep track of how much you drink, so you stay aware of your alcohol intake.

  • Delay your first drink when possible. This shortens the time you have to drink, giving you more control.

  • Share your plan with someone you trust, even if they're not there to watch over you. Just talking about it can boost your self-awareness.

Stay in the Moment:

Alcohol can change how you make decisions, so it's crucial to stay mindful. Regular check-ins, like counting your drinks or talking to a friend, can help you stay on track.

Step 4: Learn and Adjust

Finally, keep in mind that this journey isn't always smooth sailing. You might find that some strategies work better in certain situations, while others need a little tweaking.

Embrace Challenges:

Challenges are like stepping stones to success. Each time you choose to drink a little less, you're doing something great for your health. And every time things don't go as planned, it's a chance to learn and make adjustments.

So there you have it – a friendly guide to taking control of your drinking habits and living a healthier life. Remember, it's all about setting intentions, understanding your triggers, creating a supportive environment, and being flexible as you learn and grow.

Whether you decide to quit, cut back, or simply get a better grasp of your relationship with alcohol, you're on the path to a happier and healthier you. So here's to making mindful choices and stepping into a brighter future!

Author: Megan Eastlick (Senior Counselor, Operations and Clinical Research)

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