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Pelago Member Manual - Tobacco
Pelago Member Manual - Tobacco

Say hello to brighter days. Your guide to a healthier, happier you.

Written by Katie Tan
Updated over a week ago

Hello and welcome to Pelago! Congratulations on taking this journey to a healthier, happier you — and becoming opioid free!

This guide is meant to help you understand everything that is available to you throughout your journey — who your care team will be, what the program entails, how to use the app and everything you will need to know about medication, if you choose to explore medication options.

What are my next steps?

  1. If you haven’t already, download the Pelago app from your app store. The app will be used for your entire journey.

  2. Enable Notifications from the Pelago App in your phone settings (instructions below in App Guide)

  3. Become familiar with the App:

    1. Locate where and how to chat with your Coach

    2. Begin tracking by checking-into the app everyday

    3. Add your personal goals, set your intentions, and begin to understand your patterns, habits, and triggers.

    4. Read through the content in the Library Packs and utilize our tools as needed

Program Overview

Convenient and personalized

Let us work around your schedule. Our program is fully virtual, delivered via a convenient app, meaning you can achieve goals at a pace that works for you.

100% confidential

Get peace-of-mind with a completely anonymous and confidential program. Only you and your personalized care team will know you’re in the program — not your employer.

Cut back or get treatment

Achieve your individual goals with a personalized treatment program (and industry-leading success rates to boot).

Kind to your wallet

Save money by getting the best treatment for your substance use. Whether you’re looking to cut back or stop entirely, our program is free to you and covered by your benefit provider.

General Overview

  • Individual Coaching within the app

  • Support in achieving your unique goals

  • A Library packed with resources and exercises

  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy (Patches + Gum)*

    • *company specific, please ask your coach

Your Personal Care Team


Our certified Coaches provide highly trained guidance and support through phone calls and chat messaging throughout your journey. Your Coach is someone you will meet with regularly or as often as you need in the app. They will provide support when you need it, help you set goals, and create goals to aim towards.

Member Support Team

Our dedicated member support team is available to resolve your needs as they arise. This team can assist in any app issues, prescription questions, and scheduling needs. They are committed to ensuring you receive the best support possible. Our team is available by email or phone. Hours: 8am - 5pm EST | |‪ (201) 263-4718

24/7 Care + Support Hotline: 1.877.349.7755

To ensure that you will have access to care at all times, we also offer a complimentary Live Care Hotline, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to all members.

If you find yourself in need of support after hours (8am-5pm EST) please call our Hotline at 1.877.349.7755

CO Monitor

At Pelago, we have found that a CO monitor is an effective tool for reinforcing motivation during a member's journey. The portable, pocket-sized monitor is bluetooth enabled and pairs directly with your smartphone via a free app called the iCOquitapp.

How does it work?

The breath test is used to measure the levels of Carbon Monoxide—poisonous gas present in burning tobacco products—in your lungs.

Steps to activate your device:

  • Download and create an account on the iCOquit app

  • Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on phone or tablet

  • Click the three lines (Menu Options) at the top left of the main screen

  • Click iCOquit Device

  • You should now see this page (pictured on the left), with dots at the bottom of the screen moving as the app attempts to find the device.

  • When you get to this page, press and hold the power button on the device for at least 5-10 seconds. The blue light indicator should turn on and the device is now connected.

  • Navigate back to the app dashboard using those three lines at the top and you should be able to perform a breath test.

After this initial activation, you can log in, tap “Breath Test” and power on the device to complete any and all future breath tests. *Always ensure your bluetooth is enabled when using the device.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can help with the difficult withdrawal symptoms and cravings that most people say is their only reason for not giving up tobacco. Using NRT reduces those symptoms.

The two forms of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) offered by Pelago are:

  • Patches

  • Gum

Please note: not all Employers/Companies/Health Plans offer NRT. Please be sure to ask your Coach.

What is nicotine gum?

Nicotine gum is an over-the-counter, medicated chewing gum that delivers a dose of nicotine orally. It’s intended to replace the nicotine that people would otherwise get from smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products.

It’s a scientifically tested product, and research shows that it can be very effective as a quit smoking aid. However, it’s important to note that the reasons for taking up smoking and maintaining the habit are complex, and the addiction to nicotine is only one part of the problem.

What are nicotine patches?

A nicotine patch is a form of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), designed to help people quit smoking. It’s a transdermal patch, meaning it delivers a specific amount of nicotine through the skin and into the bloodstream, once applied.

Although all NRTs deliver nicotine to the brain at a slower rate than cigarettes, the release of nicotine from patches is the slowest of all NRT products. Rather than providing a ‘quick hit’ of nicotine in the way that some other products do, nicotine patches are designed to provide the body with a steady supply of nicotine throughout the day and in most cases, throughout the night too.

Surcharge Information

This section may not apply to everyone who registers in the program. Not every member will need to meet surcharge requirements from their employer. If you do, your employer will have already informed you about the surcharge and its details.

To complete the standard surcharge requirements, you'll need to do the following:

  • Complete an Onboarding session with your coach via a coaching call or digital onboarding. Digital onboarding involves filling out a Google form link instead of having a call. Your coach will send you the link to the form.

  • Download the app and send at least one message to your coach each week over 5 separate weeks. These weeks don't need to be consecutive. While you can send more messages, only one per week will count towards your surcharge requirements.

  • Complete Essentials 1 within the app. You'll find this under the Library tab within the Pelago app. Essentials 1 consists of 12 mini-sessions, ranging from 1-8 minutes each, followed by a short quiz at the end. Don't worry, you're not scored on the quiz!

Upon completion of Onboarding, Essentials 1, and sending 5 separate weekly messages to your coach, your coach will reach out via chat to confirm you've completed the program.

Depending on your employer, a report might need to be sent, or it could be self-reported.

Always check with your employer's benefits team for more information.

During your call or in-app chat, your coach will provide you with support and guidance on how to complete the program.

Surcharge FAQ’s

You might be wondering:

  • Can I continue to work on goals with my coach after I complete the surcharge requirements?

    • Yes, absolutely! We’re here to support you in your goals.

  • Can I send more than 1 message a week to my coach in the app?

    • Sure, but remember, for surcharge requirements, only 1 per week will count.

  • What if this is my second year in the program to remove the surcharge?

    • Simply log onto your existing account. If you’re unsure of how to access it, reach out to our member operations team for help. You don’t need to register again.

    • You will need to complete another call, message your coach once a week over 5 weeks in the app, and complete or review Essentials 1 again.

  • Do I get a certificate of completion?

    • No, we don’t send out certificates, but we do send reports to your employer indicating that you completed per their request or requirements. Every employer is different.

If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to your coach in the app or give our member support team a call.

Other Information

Additional Member Resources

Your overall health and wellbeing is top priority. If you find yourself in need of additional resources outside of Pelago, our Member Support Team is dedicated in helping you find those resources, either virtually or in-person in your local area.

Some examples of these resources can include things such as mental health support, finding a Primary Care Provider or basic needs (housing, food, etc). Please let your Coach know or email us directly at

Providing Feedback

Your experience and feedback is very important to us. If issues or concerns arrive, you can speak directly to your Coach.

However, if you are not comfortable discussing this with your Coach and you’d like to reach the management team directly, please use this ONLINE FORM.

Your Member Details

Please ensure that your contact information is always current and up to date to ensure your NRT and/or program supplies are sent to the correct address.

If your contact information and mailing address changes, please let your Coach know or send an email to

Pelago App Guide

About the App

The Pelago App replaces traditional telephone coaching programs with a technology-enabled digital clinic designed to help members access evidence-based care wherever they are.

Engage in mobile content, keep in touch with your care team and personalize tracking — all at your finger tips.

How to Download

On your Smart Phone, navigate to the App Store or Google Play Store and type in the search bar 'Pelago.'

Select the Pelago app (shown below) and tap to install/download to your phone. If you are on your smartphone, you can tap the direct links below:

Log Into Account

Once you've download the app to your phone, tap to open. A log in screen will pop up.

Log in using the same email and password you used and created in the registration flow.

Forgot Password

In the Log In screen of the app, enter the exact email you've registered with. Skip the password box and tap the link below that says: "Forgotten Password?"

Verify the email that is registered to your account and tap "Continue."

You will receive an email with a verification code. Check your email and put in the verification code along with a new password. Tap 'Reset Password' and you can now log in with your new credentials. (Note: the email may go to your spam folder)


Enabling Notifications is a vital tool when using the Pelago app.

When notifications are enabled, you will be notified when a Coach sends you a chat message as well as daily reminders to complete your daily check-in.

To enable notifications, navigate to your phone "Settings" and "Notifications" to customize and turn them on for the Pelago app.

Navigation Bar

Home Screen

Your Home Screen will contain a few elements, depending where you are in your journey. In the home screen, you will find:

  1. Your Profile + Settings 👤

  2. A reminder for your daily check-in to track your progress and view insights (Did you smoke/vape today?)

  3. A place to set an intention

  4. The option to log a cigarette or vape use

  5. A place to access guided sessions and/or begin where you left off

Profile + Settings

To locate your Profile Details and Settings, tap on the 👤 icon on the top right hand of your Home Screen.


The 'Coach’ tab in the app is where you will access the chat function.

This is where you can send a message and communicate with your Coach if you have any questions, concerns, need to reschedule an appointment, etc.

Or, if you are looking for general support and encouragement, do not hesitate to reach out.

My Progress

The My Progress tab is a goal setting tool and visual reminder of your journey overtime. You will find a wealth of information about your journey to a tobacco-free life.

  • Discover how your health is improving as you give up tobacco products.

  • Keep an eye on the money you've saved, the health improvements you've achieved, and the time you've won back in your life.


If you ever experience cravings, don't worry; we've got you covered.

Visit the "Library" tab in the app and click on "When Craving." Choose from a menu of

options tailored to your needs. Whether you're feeling stressed, bored, or need motivation, you'll find helpful resources.

Packs are short sessions focused on CBT. Go through this content at your own pace and revisit whenever needed.

Listening and breathing exercises to utilize at any given moment when you need motivation, are feeling stressed, etc.

Setting a Quit Date

  • If you're ready to quit and want to set a specific quit date, it's easy to do.

  • Go to the "My Progress" tab within the app.

  • Scroll down to the bottom and find "Edit Your Quit Date." Tap on it.

  • Enter the date you've chosen as your quit date, and save your changes.

Troubleshooting Tips + Tricks

  • Ensure the app is always updated to the latest version available. If your smartphone is not set up to perform updates automatically, you will need to manually update the app by going into your app store, search for "Pelago" and there will be a button labeled "UPDATE." Tap the button to update the app.

  • Always try closing and relaunching the app.

  • For video calls: ensure that your internet connection is stable (4G or WiFi)

For any additional assistance, email

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